Wates Residential - Kersfield

Kersfield Estate in South London is a £17 million project set to deliver 41 new homes for local residents and workers in 2023...

SCS JV - Skanska, Costain, Strabag in partnership with HS2

Qflow has been deployed to SCS JV, exploring a wider deployment across the East and West sections to support...

UWE Bristol - John

John Perkins Construction deployed Qflow on the UWE Bristol project with the purpose of delivering SKA rating and assuring...

Landsec - Sumner

One of Europe’s largest real estate developers enhancing sustainable construction using technology...

Castle Park View - Bouygues

A 180,000 sq ft development of 375 homes in Bristol’s Castle Park set to be delivered by 2022...

Kidbrooke Village - Berkeley

A 1bn pound residential development scheme looking to improve efficiencies and reduce costs...

DAMAC Tower - Multiplex Construction

A residential development in Nine Elms, London, using Qflow to increase efficiency of data capture and analytics...

Wood Wharf - Canary Wharf Contractors

A mixed use, water side community development seeking FSC certification. To help the team keep track, they needed...

Oxfordshire Highways - Skanska

A £350 million highways maintenance project in South East England deployed Qflow as a waste tracking system...

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