Tired of chasing data from your supply chain?​

You no longer have to keep chasing your supply chain. They can capture and audit GRNs and WTNs digitally, with one-click using Qflow iOS and Android mobile app.

Streamline your supply chain data with Qflow smart capture

Collecting GRNs from your diverse supply chain can be a real challenge. Qflow allows your team to capture GRNs at the gate of your site via a simple photograph, ensuring you get the full picture without having to chase a single supplier or subcontractor. Qflow integrates with existing site apps so your site team don’t even need to know Qflow is there.

Verify goods received and improve compliance to the UK government Prompt Payment Code

Now you have your digital record of materials delivered and waste transferred, you can quickly and efficiently map this against your invoices to verify receipt of goods and pay your supply chain, helping you hit Prompt Payment targets.

Bouygues UK achieved a whopping 271% efficiency gain in this process with Qflow’s digital GRN capture.

Ensure materials quality and waste compliance across the supply chain with Qflow Live Audit

Qflow automatically checks your materials deliveries and Waste Transfer Notes to ensure they meet your project-specific requirements. For waste we check the 9 Duty of Care points required by the Environment Agency. For materials we check for material and supplier certifications such as FSC for timber and ISO14001 for suppliers. Want to be alerted to something important? Speak to our team to find out more.

Find out how Bouygues UK improved efficiency by 271%

If you would like to join us, please get in touch.

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